Monday, July 4, 2011

Doddsism #117

The perspective that you see something in is just as important as the thing you are looking at!

Perspective is something that is a lot of times forgotten, but it is something that is very important.  We can look through history and find people who have been able to change peoples perspectives to the point that the people who followed them believed that they were doing something good when it was really just the opposite. You can take a painting and put it in a room full of people and have each person give a description of that painting. Each person has a different perspective of what they are seeing therefore every person will have a different interpretation of the very same painting. If you have ever seen the movie "Men in Black," there is a scene where Will Smith's character is trying out for the agency. His character along with others go to a shooting range where they shot each thing they perceive to be a threat. Long story short Will Smith's character ends up shooting at something different from the rest of the group because his perspective was different. How is your perspective?

Depending on the issues and things you have seen and dealt with in your life, your perspective is going to be different. Our perspectives are made of all our experiences and the things we have learned through out our lives. It is the thing that makes one person believe war is the answer, while someone else doesn't understand why anyone could find violence to be a solution. Arguments are easy when you get two or more people together on one topic when they all have different perspectives. Next time you are in an argument or having trouble understanding something, try looking at it from a different perspective. It may not always change your mind but it may give you a better understanding of whats going on. Sometimes we fight among one another not because we don't agree but because we have different perspectives. It is not always as bad as it seems, next time your down try looking at the issue from a different perspective. You can do it!

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