Friday, June 10, 2011

Doddsism #107

Every checker has a chance to be kinged and every pawn has a chance to become a queen! Its not how you start the game, its how you finish!

Unfortunately when we are born we do not get to pick the circumstance that we are born into. We don't get a shopping list and decide whether we want to be rich, or tall, or beautiful. We are placed on this earth with no say on where we are born or even asked if we want to be born. But fear not, one of the best things about life is your beginning does not have to be your ending. In chess even a pawn has a shot at being something more. A pawn is considered the weakest piece on the board, but like any other piece it is capable of taking the other pieces down. If in your life you feel the lowest of the low, remember that you can change your situation and just like a pawn you have an opportunity to be more than what you started as.

Many successful and influential people have started in poverty. One of the best example of this is Oprah Winfrey. She wasn't rich when she was born. She didn't have rich or influential parents but she was able to go from poverty to being one of the most influential and wealthy people in the world. It wasn't a short or easy journey to be sure, but this pawn was able to transform herself into a magnificent queen. She could have chose to stay in her situation but she wanted something more. Many success stories start out with abuse, poverty, or both. If these people made it and were able to become something more you can too. Define your success and know that the situation that your in now does not have to be the same situation that you are in, in the future. You can be more than what you are and more than what you were born into. Focus on your goal and don't stop to you reach it. The journey is not easy and sometime it can be long but its worth it!


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