Monday, July 18, 2011

Doddsism #122

Inner beauty always shines through!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In my life I have seen beautiful ugly people and not so pretty beautiful people. Sometimes the outside does not match up with whats in your heart. Outer beauty, for the most part we have no control over. We are born and we have to work with what we have. Inner beauty on the other hand is something totally different. It is something that we can work at. Sometimes the things in our lives effect the image that our heart transmits. If you don't like your outer appearance and can't afford plastic surgery, why not give your heart a try. Well give your heart a try even if you can afford plastic surgery and or you are happy with the way you look. No matter how beautiful or not you or society feel you are there is always room to work on your heart. Its like Jello, there is always room for more.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doddsism #121

It is easier to believe in yourself when you know that someone believes in you!

How does it feel to be your hero's hero? To have someone you believe in whole heartily believe in you the same way. It is not always easy to have confidence in yourself. Sometimes you need to have someone in your corner who has your back. Someone who believes in you more than you do yourself. You may not know it but that same person that you believe in probably feels the same way about you. You may not always know it but that person is rooting for you like your own personal cheerleader. I have had situations where I did not feel like I could do the things I had to do. At those times the people that believed in my supported me  and made me realize that I could. The more they showed they believed the more I began to believe in myself.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Doddsism #120

Knowing who you are makes life so much easier!

Life is hard, pretending to be someone that you are not is even harder. With all of obstacles that we face everyday, it is easy to second guess ourselves. Sometimes we do things that we don't want to do just to fit into who we think society expects us to be. If you don't know who you truly are, you will second guess yourself on thing that you are more than capable of doing. It may even make you worry or give up when you could have easily achieved the goal you had for yourself. I have someone that is very special in my life. If she truly knew herself the way I do then she would know that she is a very gifted and special person. Sometimes we live below our potential because we are looking at ourselves through a skewed mirror. Once we realize that the true mirror rest inside of our heart we can then step into the people we are meant to be.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Doddsism #119

Don't be so concerned with the packaging that you miss out on the content!

We as humans can be very superficial creatures. The easiest way to judge something is by the way it looks, but it is so easy to get it wrong. You don't have to talk to someone to think they are pretty. Beauty is something you can see. It is very easy to get caught up on external beauty to the point where we ignore the content. Just because something looks good doesn't mean that it is good for you. The opposite is true too, just because something does not look good does not mean that it is good for you. If we judge solely on the packaging of something we can end up with a pretty box that is completely empty. I for one would hate to end up in a situation like that. Parents know first hand about ugly packages, and no I am not talking about their kids. Have you ever seen a present that has been wrapped by a child? It can get pretty rough. The thing is that even though the package is ugly, the meaning and the content of that package far exceeds the rawness of the outside.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Doddsism #118

Get the best out of life, don't let life take the best out of you!

One of the first lessons you learn as a young adult or even as a kid is that life isn't fair. Sometimes we work hard and do all the right things but we still get passed over. When I graduated from collage I thought it would be easy to find a good job. My plan was to go to school and get my degree and by doing that, open a door to a good job. It did not work out like that at all. I went on interview after interview with no luck. The jobs I wanted I didn't have enough experience to get. The jobs I didn't want I had to much education to be hired. While I was unemployed I worked on projects that I felt could make me more valuable in the workforce. Long story short I ended up back in school. It was not what I planned but I made the best of my situation. Shortly after I graduated the second time I was able to find a nice job. When I look back at the original plan I had I am happy it didn't work. Now I am getting paid for doing something that I love, but I never would have made it to that point if I didn't make the best of a bad situation.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Doddsism #117

The perspective that you see something in is just as important as the thing you are looking at!

Perspective is something that is a lot of times forgotten, but it is something that is very important.  We can look through history and find people who have been able to change peoples perspectives to the point that the people who followed them believed that they were doing something good when it was really just the opposite. You can take a painting and put it in a room full of people and have each person give a description of that painting. Each person has a different perspective of what they are seeing therefore every person will have a different interpretation of the very same painting. If you have ever seen the movie "Men in Black," there is a scene where Will Smith's character is trying out for the agency. His character along with others go to a shooting range where they shot each thing they perceive to be a threat. Long story short Will Smith's character ends up shooting at something different from the rest of the group because his perspective was different. How is your perspective?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Doddsism #116

It is not fair to compare yourself to other people. It is better to compare your present to your past and your future to your present!

Have you ever heard that saying that you can't compare apple to oranges? It is a very true statement, how can you compare two things that are completely different. Sometimes it can even be difficult to compare apples to apples because they can vary so much. There are many different types of apples, just like there are many different types of people. One of the many things that makes human different from apples is that we are one of ones. I know you may look like your sister, brother, father etc but still at the end of the day your a one of a kind. So how unfair would it be to compare yourself to someone else? The answer is that it is not fair at all. We all have different starting points and different roads that we take to get to our destinations.