Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doddsism #132

Treat the things that are important like they are important!

It seems like a really simple concept but so many times we spend so much time worrying about things that really don't matter that we neglect the things that do. It can be really easy to do because today's world is fast paced and everything wants to be your priority. When everything is "important" you can lose track of the things that really are important. You hear the stories too often about people so focused on their careers that they miss out on the beautiful family that they have. If you really want to figure out what is important in your life just make a list of all the things that are important to you. Next take that list and prioritize it down to the top ten most important things in your life. Take that shortened list and cut it down to five, then to three and finally to one. That last item standing is the thing that is most important in your life. I'm guessing  for most people it is not their career or money. Maybe those two are in the top five but usually not number one. For me it would have to be family which includes blood relatives and close friends. So by that list the thing I should treat like it is important is my family. Sometimes in the pursuit of other things we lose track of the importance of that number one thing. What is number one on your list?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Doddsism #131

You can either be changed by your environment, change environments, or change your environment!

Just because you are in a bad environment does not mean that environment has to change you into something you do not want to be. A mistake that some people make is that they think because a person is born or lives in a bad area that they are a certain way because of it. We all know those people who can walk into a room or party and change the whole environment. Certain people can walk into your life and brighten everything up. On the other hand we all know people who come around and make everything worst. It is almost like enjoying a sunny picnic and having a dark rain cloud poor rain all over your head. When you are in any environment you can do three things 1. You can let your environment dictate  your behavior. 2. You can leave your current environment and find a place that is more fitted for you. 3. The final and possibly the hardest choice you have is to change the environment around you. Be that sunshine that brightens up and transforms whatever environment you enter. Are you the sun that brightens your environment or the rain cloud that ruins everyone else's day?