Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doddsism #132

Treat the things that are important like they are important!

It seems like a really simple concept but so many times we spend so much time worrying about things that really don't matter that we neglect the things that do. It can be really easy to do because today's world is fast paced and everything wants to be your priority. When everything is "important" you can lose track of the things that really are important. You hear the stories too often about people so focused on their careers that they miss out on the beautiful family that they have. If you really want to figure out what is important in your life just make a list of all the things that are important to you. Next take that list and prioritize it down to the top ten most important things in your life. Take that shortened list and cut it down to five, then to three and finally to one. That last item standing is the thing that is most important in your life. I'm guessing  for most people it is not their career or money. Maybe those two are in the top five but usually not number one. For me it would have to be family which includes blood relatives and close friends. So by that list the thing I should treat like it is important is my family. Sometimes in the pursuit of other things we lose track of the importance of that number one thing. What is number one on your list?

Life is a giant balancing act, and although the thing at the top of your list probably isn't  material it is something easy to lose sight of it. If the thing that is at the top of your list is a person or a group of people chances are career and money are important because of that person or group of people. When I was growing up my dad had to work a lot so I rarely got to see him. I was too young to understand that he reason he wasn't there was not because he didn't love me, but instead he was gone because he loved me very much. He always managed to find time for me, even if it was just taking me to school in the morning. The thing that I am grateful for is that once I was old enough to understand he came and explained to me how important I was to him and that is the reason he had to work so much. Don't take for grated that people understand that they are important to you. You can do and do for them and they still may never know. Make sure that the things and the people you love know how important they are to you, not just by your actions but also by your words. It makes a huge difference to  hear it even if they can tell by the things that they do. You never know how much of a difference simply saying "you are important to me" can make in someone's life. You can do it!

R. Dodds

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.” ~ George Moore

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